
What's really holding you back from offering feedback?

What's really holding you back from offering feedback?

If you are hesitant about offering feedback, you are not alone. One solution is to quality-check your Mindset about feedback, to ensure it is not interfering with your feedback conversations.

The way you think about feedback holds your feedback behaviour in place. Your beliefs about feedback are influenced by feedback conversations from your childhood, workplaces, with teachers, coaches and your peers. Think back to your very first job, what was your first workplace experience of feedback like?

Useful beliefs about feedback:

  • Feedback helps me grow and learn in the role.

  • I’d rather know now, than 3 months down the track.

  • I can choose how I respond to feedback being offered to me.

Limiting beliefs about feedback:

  • Feedback means I’ve failed.

  • Feedback means I’m not good enough.

  • Feedback makes me feel uncomfortable.

You can participate in all the feedback skills training in the world, but if you still believe feedback is scary, horrible and dangerous, you will avoid participating in feedback conversations. That makes sense as we are always trying to keep ourselves safe.

If you believe feedback is about improving, learning and exploring your potential, you will seek it out. You will be more open to considering it. You will value it and appreciate it.
