Feedback Fitness

Support your leaders to feel confident and courageous to have conversations that improve performance at work. Empower your leaders to give and receive feedback and hold people accountable.

Are you a CEO, HR Manager or Director finding that:
  • We have an avoidance culture, one where leaders would rather be perceived as 'nice and polite', so avoid having the courageous conversations that need to be had to improve performance.

  • Some leaders see feedback as once a year tick and flick task, especially when it comes to the performance reviews process.

  • Some leaders are brutally honest, and I’m left cleaning up the damage from their truth bombs.

  • I’m worried about the risk of complaints, bullying claims, stress claims & litigation that might result from poorly delivered feedback.

  • Poor behaviour is tolerated and has been for years due to a lock of people being held accountable.

  • Leaders expect others to be able to receive their feedback -yet they often can’t take it themselves.

Leaders are saying they are:
  • Fearful about how feedback will be received and worried a complaint will be made against them if they muck it up.

  • Thinking they should already have these skills; they are a leader - 'I can't admit I struggle with this stuff'.

  • Worried about damaging the relationships with the people they lead – so they avoid giving feedback.

  • They are worried good people will leave if they are not used to being held accountable and they start now.

We need to create a culture where giving and receiving feedback is normal, expected and prepared for.

Rejecter: Rejecters are people who are closed to all feedback. They are defensive, dismissive, and often dis-engaged. They take feedback as a personal attack. Their performance is poor.

Resistant: These people are fearful of feedback and would rather not receive it. Their performance is consistently average at best. There is no interest in learning or growing. They will often ignore feedback, even if it is repeated many times.

Reluctant: These people vary in their openness to receiving feedback - it depends upon their stress levels. Often, they dread receiving feedback, but then are grateful on reflection, and they see it was beneficial. Their performance is inconsistent.

Receptive: People who are receptive to feedback often request it. They believe feedback can be very useful. They don't take feedback personally and see it as part of their learning process. Their performance is good, and they are looking for ways to continuously improve.

Resilient: Feedback resilient people actively seek out feedback, with the intention of using it to develop their skills, learn and grow. They are open to all feedback and then filter it for usefulness, respectfully disregarding what is not useful for them. They strive for excellence and value and appreciate feedback. Their performance and effort is excellent.

The Solution: Mindset + Power + Beliefs


Mindset: Concentrates on the leaders developing useful beliefs, thinking styles, and increasing flexibility in their thinking. The benefit will be leaders who are more open to listening to feedback, more agile in their approach, and more self-aware.

Power: Focuses on the leaders’ power to choose how they respond to feedback. They are able to provide useful feedback and hold others accountable. They will have the courageous conversations that many leaders avoid.

Esteem: Explores how the leaders choose to value themselves and consider themselves as worthy. They learn to separate their self-worth from their performance as leaders. This means they are better equipped to receive feedback and make the changes suggested to them to take their leadership skills to the next level.

The Feedback Fitness program is ideal for leaders who lead teams:

  • With one or more ‘big’ or ‘interesting’ personalities.

  • With current and/or a history of high conflict.

  • Who have had a lack of leadership/haven't been held accountable in the past.

  • Where the leader has moved from peer to leader.

  • Are fearful/resistant to receiving feedback.

The Feedback Fitness program is NOT ideal for leaders who lead teams:

  • Who are high performing teams.

  • Who have an empowered culture.

  • Who communicate respectfully with each other and others.

  • Have a culture where feedback is respectfully offered and graciously received.

By the end of the program your leaders will:

  • Understand the simple three step process to giving feedback.

  • Be able to identify and manage defensiveness or resistance in others when offering feedback.

  • Have the tools and strategies to offer feedback in an effective way to those who take it personally.

  • Understand how to offer feedback in a way that empowered others to improve their performance.

  • Know the Unshakeable formula and how it applies to feedback.

  • Have an increased ability to use questions rather than 'telling'.

  • Have the language to have conversations that hold people accountable.

  • Feel more confident in offering useful feedback.

The Feedback Fitness Workshop includes:

Preparation Meeting with CEO or Senior Leader/s: This meeting is with the CEO or Senior Leader/s, and its purpose is to identify any gaps that informs us of the specific areas of the content. This ensures the program is specific to the outcomes of the organisation.

Promotional Material and Information: Your organisation will be provided with promotional material aimed at getting individuals to come along to the sessions. You will also receive a short 'blub' and Zoom link for the workshop calendar invitations.

Delivery of Half Day Workshop: Sue present and interactive, engaging workshop on-site.

Copy of 'Unshakeable at Work' by Sue Anderson: One hard copy of 'Unshakeable at Work' will be sent to the organisation. It contains a chapter on each of the three key Unshakeable ingredients.

Additional Resources: A carefully selected collection of books, articles, links to Ted Talks, Podcasts etc will be provided after each session. That way, participants can choose to dive deeper on the content – or not.

Evaluation Survey and Report: An evaluation of the program will be provided. This includes a link to a Survey Monkey, anonymous feedback questionnaire which takes less than two minutes to complete. A summary report is provided to the organisation.

Debrief with CEO or Senior Leader/s: The purpose of this meeting is for Sue to provide feedback and information on how the sessions were received, as well as any recommendations moving forward.

Book a time with Sue to discuss