
Today I received a LinkedIn message from a leader today: ‘I am interested to hear about the Feedback Fitness model. The 'feedback sandwich' seems to have been eaten and not been as great as was once touted, so would like to unpack what takes its place for effective feedback.  Cheers, Nick’. Read more...
If you are aiming for perfection in your feedback conversations —good luck! Feedback conversations are often messy and imperfect. Your armour gets in the way! Emotions complicate things. Read more...
How you think about receiving feedback supports your feedback-receiving behaviour and holds it in place. If you believe that receiving feedback is dangerous, a threat or something to avoid, that thinking will result in you trying to avoid feedback—and you certainly will not be seeking it out. Read more...
I had an interesting conversation with a current coaching client this week. She described receiving unexpected feedback and how it ‘hung around’ and clouded her thinking for a fortnight. In fact, it really bothered her! Read more...
Recruiting the right person to the role and to your team is so important. Will they be a good fit to the culture, the existing personalities and do they have the right approach to learning? Read more...
How often do you ask for feedback, and what is your intention in receiving it? While it’s useful to receive feedback, you don’t need feedback to feel good about yourself. Read more...
As shared in previous Newsletters, the Feedback Fitness model is made up of three distinct stages. Read more...
If you are a leader, you might have read Brene Brown’s fabulous book, Dare to Lead. Read more...
How do you decide if feedback offered to you is ‘positive’ or ‘negative’? Read more...