Recently I had a question from a leader I am coaching. She is preparing to offer feedback to one of her ‘interesting’ direct reports and she is feeling pretty apprehensive about how it is going to go. Read more...
I love hearing about feedback fails! They are such a great way to learn. Many people are happy to share their worst feedback conversations - usually when they were the recipient of the feedback, rather than the person offering it. Read more...
I’ve been re-visiting Oscar Trimboli’s great book, ‘How to listen’. In chapter one, he states, ‘Listening is the willingness to have your mind changed.’ It got me thinking about the importance of listening when we are offered feedback. Read more...
I once coached a CEO and she was incredible! I know she was incredible because I also coached four of her Directors, who all told me how incredible she was. I asked her ‘What’s your secret?’ Read more...